What to Expect...
While every attempt is made to have the stated acuity and/or visual field of each simulator correspond as closely as possible to what is stated on the web site (i.e. 20/200), variations in materials may lead to variations in results in any one simulator.
In other words, there may be one that causes the wearer to see a little better or a little worse than what is stated. We do what we can to make the simulators as accurate as possible, but this is, after all, a simulation.
If you think that the simulator you purchased does not meet the acuity or field measurements stated, let us know and we'll fix it or refund your money (if the simulator is returned in new condition).
Before you send things back, however, you are encouraged to find an eye chart and test the acuity of the simulator to see what it is.
These simulators are generally simulating a particular level of a specific visual pathology.This may or may not be EXACTLY what an individual sees -- most likely not.
If you are expecting to replicate your own vision impairment so your kids, spouse, mother-in-law or boss will understand EXACTLY what you see, please don't waste your time -- and mine --by buying, and then returning, these.
There is no way that your vision impairment can be accurately simulated.
However, if you want someone in your life to get a better, general understanding of the functional abilities and limitations that one might experience with a specific level of acuity or field, this is a good place to start.
The take home message is: Replicate your visual abilities/limitations? NO. A general idea of what's going on? Probably.
Remember to use common sense and caution when wearing, or asking others to wear, the simulators.
While people with low vision can do most activities safely and gracefully, they may have had specific training, as well as time to practice and develop their skills.
Going from fully-sighted to visually impaired by simply putting on a simulator requires that the wearer take time to adjust to the new level of vision and avoid hazards such as steps and moving objects.
These simulators should only be used in controlled situations where known or anticipated hazards are not present and when supervision by a knowledgeable, capable person is provided.