Hemianopsia Simulators
The loss of visual field can be one of the consequences of a stroke or other head injury. These simulators show either a right or a left homonymous hemianopsia. They simulate relative field defects, not absolute ones. In other words, the wearer can detect light and large/close high contrast forms. The simulators can be ordered with (#111 & #113) or without (#110 & #112) visual impairment. Hemianopsia without visual impairment is sometimes referred to as "macular sparing."
The impact of vision deficits from visual field loss may be underrated. Since the individual is often able to read and recognize faces, fully-sighted friends and family may dismiss the extent of the limitations on mobility.
Note: the person with a visual field loss does not see the whole visual field -- both the missing areas and the functioning areas -- the way that a fully sighted person will when first putting on one of the simulators. One only sees the area that one CAN see -- not the missing or damaged areas. The brain is very adaptive. To the person with a constricted visual field and average visual acuity, everything looks "normal".
Did you know...?
- A right side field loss can have a severe impact on reading in individuals who read languages that are written and read from left to right (English, French, Spanish) as one is always reading "into" the blind spot.
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